Building Bitx part 2- The crystal filter.

The 10 MHz crystal filter is one of the most important modules of bitx transceiver. Bitx uses an IF of 10 MHz. 10 MHz crystal filters are available at approximately Rs10 ( 1 US$ = Rs40 approximately) in the Indian market. I bought 10 crystals from a local electronics shop. The first thing I did… Continue reading Building Bitx part 2- The crystal filter.

PIC 16F877 prototyping board – part 2

A low cost PIC 16F877 prototyping board is being developed at College of engineering Attingal under my guidance. The credit for develoment goes to Shibu and Manoj. The board is intended for classroom use. The idea is to provide a low cost platform for experimenting with PIC micro controllers. The proposed board will have easily… Continue reading PIC 16F877 prototyping board – part 2

New Antenna mast at VU2SWX

A new antenna mast was installed at VU2SWX  ham radio station. The Mast is approximately at a height of 18 meters from ground level. The following photographs show the installation. The base of the mast.  It consists of 1.5m  2 inch GI pipe  fixed on  parapet. It is also  bolted to the side wall. The … Continue reading New Antenna mast at VU2SWX

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