I have been tinkering with NodeMCU devkit boards recently. The easiest way to program these little beasts is to use arduino platform and install the compilers and other tools from . Unfortunately the stock arduino shipped with ubuntu 14.04 is quite old. You need a recent version of arduino software. to get the esp8266… Continue reading Installing latest arduino on Ubuntu 14.04
Category: Micro controllers
Plug and Play DDS VFO with arduino
I have been trying to program cheap Chinese DDS modules recently. I wanted to add a DDS VFO to one of my bitx rigs. These modules are available at $4.5 from aliexpress. They claim that it can work up to 40Mhz. I used an arduino Uno along with a rotary encoder for controlling the module. The… Continue reading Plug and Play DDS VFO with arduino
My letter to BSNL
I have a land line connection at home. It is from BSNL, the state owned Telecom giant in India. I am too disgusted with their service and shot of the following email today to all publicly visible BSNL officers. Let us see whether email work in India. The exact nature of the problem cannot… Continue reading My letter to BSNL
How to become a certified (Pseudo) Free software Activist
My recent posts on the state of free software in Kerala, have drawn flak from several pseudo free software activists. Some of them have even called me an agent of Microsoft. I think this post is going to generate some more heat and the pun is intentional. Recently Kerala State IT mission and C-DIT have… Continue reading How to become a certified (Pseudo) Free software Activist
Building Bitx part 2- The crystal filter.
The 10 MHz crystal filter is one of the most important modules of bitx transceiver. Bitx uses an IF of 10 MHz. 10 MHz crystal filters are available at approximately Rs10 ( 1 US$ = Rs40 approximately) in the Indian market. I bought 10 crystals from a local electronics shop. The first thing I did… Continue reading Building Bitx part 2- The crystal filter.