Sample question papers for ASOC Examination

The Amateur Station Operators Certificate Examination is conducted   by Ministry of communication Government of India.  You have to pass this examination if you want to be a HAM radio operator in India. Several SWLs have asked me  about the nature of the examination and how the question papaers look like. I am posting some sample papers that I collected when I wrote the examination.
This Zip file has several sample papers that you can try before the actual examination.


  1. The question paper samples were great and I am sure would help lot of SWL’s who are finding it difficult to get the right kind of material. Even in a city like Chennai it took some time for me to dig up some sources and get info to prepare for ASOC, imagine smaller towns and cities.

    Defenitely there is a lack of support structure for budding HAMS, and your posting would be of great help.

    Thanks and Regards

    Vipin, SWL

  2. Hi VU2SWX,

    I would like to echo the words of Vipin. I myself was literally groping in the dark for sample question papers. I was too eager to know the kind of questions that would be asked because I have not at all learnt anything about electronics, am a Master in Commerce, with just some basic stuff in me and that too self study…Your sample questions have helped me get a basic understanding of how and what the exams are likely to be. Now i have an idea what to expect and how to go about it.

    May i take the oppurtunity to thank you on behalf of everyone who stood in my shoes until yesterday. Today the picture has changed..

    Thank you very much for your help !

    Raymond Roblin Donston
    Trivandrum, Kerala.

  3. I’m going to take the ASOC test on next week (16th Feb, 2010); these question papers are a great companion for my preparation. Thanks a lot.

    Best wishes, Sudip

  4. Hi,
    I want know about the classes held in Mumbai for becoming a Ham Operator.

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