My short talk on building bitx at VWN ham meet Aluva.
Author: vu2swx
Ubuntu 16.04 Booting to text mode
I was trying to boot a newly installed Ubuntu box into text mode. The usual methods failed and after googling a little I figured out that Ubuntu 16,04 uses systemd for controlling startup services. The solution for the problem is sudo systemctl enable sudo systemctl set-default Mapping between runlevels and systemd targets… Continue reading Ubuntu 16.04 Booting to text mode
My talk at BarCamp July 2015
Here is my talk at BarCamp 2015. The talk is in my mother tounge,Malayalam.
Disabling touch pad while typing:- Ubuntu 14.04
Currently, I am using an Asus X200M netbook with ubuntu 14.04 lts. The keyboard of the netbook is slighly small compared to regular laptop. This is a slight drawback of all netbooks. For me it took only a couple of hours to get adjusted to the new keyboard. However, while typing, my thumb inadertently touches… Continue reading Disabling touch pad while typing:- Ubuntu 14.04
Installing latest arduino on Ubuntu 14.04
I have been tinkering with NodeMCU devkit boards recently. The easiest way to program these little beasts is to use arduino platform and install the compilers and other tools from . Unfortunately the stock arduino shipped with ubuntu 14.04 is quite old. You need a recent version of arduino software. to get the esp8266… Continue reading Installing latest arduino on Ubuntu 14.04