Learning Pthreads

I am beginning to enjoy the Prepare Future program on Linux internal and   driver development. Today’s class was about pthreads. I had some prior experience on pthreads library while at CUSAT.   It was refreshed today. Pthreads is a user space library for  manipulating threads. Here is what we did today.  First we wrote a small… Continue reading Learning Pthreads

At JNTU Hyderabad for Prepare Future

I am presently attending a 2 weeks training program  conducted by  CDAC Hyderabad  at JNTU. This  is 2 weeks faculty updation program named Prepare future. I am attending Linux internals and driver development under system software track. The course syllabus looks pretty impressive as given below. Introduction to Linux System Programming Linux Architecture Linux Shell… Continue reading At JNTU Hyderabad for Prepare Future

Sample question papers for ASOC Examination

The Amateur Station Operators Certificate Examination is conducted   by Ministry of communication Government of India.  You have to pass this examination if you want to be a HAM radio operator in India. Several SWLs have asked me  about the nature of the examination and how the question papaers look like. I am posting some sample… Continue reading Sample question papers for ASOC Examination

How to become a certified (Pseudo) Free software Activist

My recent posts on the state of free software in Kerala,  have drawn flak from several pseudo free software activists.  Some of them have even called me an agent of Microsoft.  I think this post is going to generate some more heat and the pun is intentional. Recently Kerala State IT mission and  C-DIT have… Continue reading How to become a certified (Pseudo) Free software Activist