Adding CW to bitx

I was playing with  my bitx build yesterday. Specifically, I tried to add CW  to the rig.   Original bitx20 is a SSB rig.  I my mod was inspired from PY2OHH bitx40.  I  wired  up a 10mhz crystal oscillator as shown below. The idea is to inject 10mhz ( approximately) at the  beginning of transmitter IF… Continue reading Adding CW to bitx

How to become a HAM radio operator in India

Several friends have asked me to explain the procedure and formalities of becoming a ham radio operator in India. Unlike many of the western countries , the active population of amateur radio operators in India is very minuscule. The major reason for this is the cumbersome procedure and the lack of interest from concerned authorities.… Continue reading How to become a HAM radio operator in India

Sample question papers for ASOC Examination

The Amateur Station Operators Certificate Examination is conducted   by Ministry of communication Government of India.  You have to pass this examination if you want to be a HAM radio operator in India. Several SWLs have asked me  about the nature of the examination and how the question papaers look like. I am posting some sample… Continue reading Sample question papers for ASOC Examination