VU2ITI OM MANI and me are trying to install a HAM radio gallery at the Kerala State Science and Technology Museum(KSSTM) Trivanrum. We have obtained a club license ,VU2CLU. Some equipments have been ordered for the station. Presently, I am conducting a training program for the staff of KSSTM. They will be appearing for the… Continue reading Testing VU2CLU
Author: vu2swx
Building Printed Circuit Boards at home
I have seen several tutorials on the Internet for making professional looking PCBs at home. In fact, I attempted making a few last year with limited success. However, I managed to perfect the technique yesterday. The procedure I used is described in this tutorial. I made some minor changes to materials and made a few… Continue reading Building Printed Circuit Boards at home
The art of Long Distance FM DXing
I will describe my experiences in receiving long distance FM here. For receiving long distance FM (or FM Dxing) the first thing you need is a good radio. Good receivers are hard to find nowadays. If you can find a Phillips of Sony radio you are half way through. (I think Phillips no longer markets… Continue reading The art of Long Distance FM DXing
Academic Projects
Kenney Jacob has written an article on academic projects here. Most of his observations are true. Being a faculty member, I have seen this kind of activities in several institutions around Trivandrum. Just take a look at the local classifieds section of The Hindhu. You will see several ads promising students with things like real… Continue reading Academic Projects
FM war in Trivandrum
We , radio freaks in Trivandrum, had only one FM station till last week. Suddenly the FM band is abuzz with whole lot of activity. Today , I could tune the following stations. Frequency Station 101.9 Ananthapuri FM 98.3 Radio Mirchi 94.3 Club FM 93.4 SFM 92.7 Big FM ( Frequency updated on 29th May… Continue reading FM war in Trivandrum