I was teaching computers to music college teachers for the past 3 days in connection with a training program organized at academic staff college,University of Kerala. Here are some snaps of the program. The course was organized to improve awareness of music college faculty about the opportunities offered by new generation technologies. There were… Continue reading 3 day training program at academic staff college
Freedomwalk is a novel initiative for popularizing Free Software in Kerala. The freedom walkers reached our college yesterday. We organized a small function welcoming the walkers. Here are some snaps of the function.
Photos of inaguration of VU2CLU
VU2CLU is a ham radio station set up at the Kerala State science and technology Museum. The main purpose is to popularize ham radio among general public. The station has several commercial and home brewed equipments for demonstration. The official inauguration of the station was done by Honorable Minister of education Government of Kerala on… Continue reading Photos of inaguration of VU2CLU
Padma: A Transformer for Indic Scripts
When ever I recommend Ubuntu as an alternate desktop to my students and colleagues, they say that it is not possible to read Malayalam news papers on internet with it. Most of the (silly) Malayalam news papers use Indic scripts with proprietary encoding. They will render only if you install the fonts properly. This post… Continue reading Padma: A Transformer for Indic Scripts
Internet via BSNL WLL phone on Ubuntu
One of my students brought a BSNL WLL phone saying that it is not getting recognized on Ubuntu 8.04. The model of the phone was HTL Clarity ( I suspect it to be some Chinese phone). I plugged it into my ubuntu system and fonund out the usb id via the lsusb command. The id… Continue reading Internet via BSNL WLL phone on Ubuntu