The guys from BSNL seem to be reading this blog after I posted my letter here. I examined my traffic logs today and found two referrals from kttp:// . Anyway, several officials are visiting our street regularly after my blog post. Yesterday, they replaced the junction box. See the pictures below.

It seems they had an under ground cable pair running. They dug up the road and connected the three lines that come out of the junction box to the under ground cable. See the following pictures of the professional job they have done. 😀 . Also look at the box closely. They have put the key on the box itself. Probably it is the safest place to keep it. 😀

I am planning to stop complaining about the joints. Other wise , BSNL may allocate (in the next budget) several crores of public money to teach their line staff about how to crimp a cable pair to a junction box. Now , the section from the junction box to the phone remains to be fixed. I am firing off a letter thanking the CMD for changing the junction box.
BSNL seems to be trying to close the case . See the status update on their site.
Meanwhile , I have brought the issue to the notice of our residents association. The residents association president told me that several residents are facing similar problems. He showed me several other open junction boxes and over hanging wires in our street . He has also promised me to write a formal letter to the chairman and managing director about the problem.( I am sure no other official will respond ). Let me see if I can get some more pictures from the street .
Blogging can work wonders in India too . 😀 Please stay tuned for more update.
I have just sent this Email to all the concerned officers.
This has reference to my complaint in Kerala Circle Circle PG cell vide KRL/CO/2009/14224 and my blog post. Thank you very much for taking the initiative to change the DP.
I have posted my additional comments on the problem here.
The case is being closed with out replacing the faulty cable joints. My dial up internet is getting disconnected every time some electrical disturbance occurs. . Please refer to this picture of the connection inside the house.×225.jpg
This is remaining the same.
I am too fed up with dealing with your engineers and field staff who have no clue to what a customer needs. I am actively considering the idea of shifting over to some other player.
Thanking you for all the help.
Update :25th September Friday 2009
I received this reply from BSNL today.
–Sir,Even though the service is restored ,the docket is kept still pending at our end and we are waiting for a detailed report after redressal of the grievance .As per the field report a new DP is erected and the action is being taken for proper fixing of the rosette and the wiring at suboffice .Thank u for your feed back .AGM(PG)
Update 5th October 2009 8.30PM
I am back home after a long journey. Someone from BSNL claiming to be Sub divisonal engineer called me up just now. She asked me what time I am available at home. I told her “8pm to 8 am ” . She told me that BSNL is not working at such odd times and advised me to be available at home during their working time so that they can fix the joints.
How ridiculous the BSNL employees are ? They are still in 20th century and they expect a customer to wait for them. I can get a new phone from reliance or TATA round the clock and they will attend you at your convenience. I am sure Goverment of Inda will disinvest this monster shortly.
My complaint is pending with them for the past 25 days and they are still looking for excuses.
Dear Sunil,
BSNL has put up a new junction box infront of my house too, when they installed IPTV in my house. The key for the junction box was left on the box itself, as was done in your case.
Since this junction box contained only one connection (that of mine) I took the liberty to take the keys for safe custody in my house. No BSNL people have so far turned up to that side to see the status of that junction box. Fortunately for me, my boradband and IPTV are working well.
BSNL giving Ayush99 SIM card enabled with second billing for free. This offer only for this month. This offer available only in Kerala.