At JNTU Hyderabad for Prepare Future

I am presently attending a 2 weeks training program  conducted by  CDAC Hyderabad  at JNTU. This  is 2 weeks faculty updation program named Prepare future. I am attending Linux internals and driver development under system software track. The course syllabus looks pretty impressive as given below. Introduction to Linux System Programming Linux Architecture Linux Shell… Continue reading At JNTU Hyderabad for Prepare Future

How to become a certified (Pseudo) Free software Activist

My recent posts on the state of free software in Kerala,  have drawn flak from several pseudo free software activists.  Some of them have even called me an agent of Microsoft.  I think this post is going to generate some more heat and the pun is intentional. Recently Kerala State IT mission and  C-DIT have… Continue reading How to become a certified (Pseudo) Free software Activist

Free Software Conferences and closed source papers

Recently, we had  two important free software conferences in Kerala. Both spent a lot of public  money on invited talks , exhibitions and other related conference requirement.  What is the benefit for general public from such conferences? A typical conference will have limited  , say 500  delegates. In Kerala, the delegates are often chosen  based… Continue reading Free Software Conferences and closed source papers

Free Software : The current fashion in Kerala

Kerala is abuzz with free software mantra after the present  Government of Kerala formally endorsed free software as one of its natural allies. Lot of common people are showing interest in free software and its bi-products such as copy left books , wikipedia etc. As a long time user of free software, I am pretty… Continue reading Free Software : The current fashion in Kerala and Proprietary software.

I am just back from The event had several renowned participants and and exhibition on free software.  I was responsible for setting up the stall of IHRD. We show cased LTSP and  remastering Ubuntu.  I was busy with the stall yesterday and day before yesterday and could not attend any sessions. At our stall… Continue reading and Proprietary software.