A low cost PIC 16F877 prototyping board is being developed at College of engineering Attingal under my guidance. The credit for develoment goes to Shibu and Manoj. The board is intended for classroom use. The idea is to provide a low cost platform for experimenting with PIC micro controllers. The proposed board will have easily… Continue reading PIC 16F877 prototyping board – part 2
Category: Micro controllers
Building a PIC 16F877 prototyping board-Part1 Programmer
I have been trying to develop a general purpose prototyping board for the Microchip PIC 16F877A . My aim is to build a board with the following features a) All ports and other on board devices must be easily taken out to a solderless bread board. b) In circuit serial programming. c) boot loader. d)… Continue reading Building a PIC 16F877 prototyping board-Part1 Programmer
Option Technology Globe Trotter PCMCA card on Debian GNU/Linux
My friend, Ramakrishnan VU2KUC, has been asking me to install necessary drivers for his Option Technology Globe Trotter PCMCA card on Debian Linux. I think he has made at least 20 phone calls for same. This morning he brought his Compaq laptop to my home and asked me to fix it. I had no other… Continue reading Option Technology Globe Trotter PCMCA card on Debian GNU/Linux